You can back up without giving up. The timing is everything. Like an old TV ad for a California wine company put it: “Nothing before its time.” Because you cannot seem to have something now does not mean that in time, it might still be yours. You may have to persevere, and find out through […]
What Is Love?
Love is a spiritual organism connecting people. Love is to the mutual world as gravity is to the external world. Though it evolves over time, love is a circle with three phases. These phases blend into one another seamlessly, around and around again, potentially lifelong. The phases are as the sweeps of a second hand, […]
The Final Show
Today is the final show on “Relationships.” On Sunday, May 8, at 8:15, I will begin a new show, called “God Talk.” I will tell you what the heart of the Bible really is, and what Jesus’ return is truly about. What exactly is salvation; what can you hope for here as well as after […]
Do Not Hurry
When you are in a hurry, you can be dangerous. Carl Jung said, “Hurry is not only of the devil. Hurry is the devil.” You might do something you’ll regret, or say something you’ll wish you hadn’t. When you are in a hurry is the best time to slow down and engage in “self-talk.” This […]
Don’t Be in a Hurry
When you are in a hurry, you can be dangerous. Carl Jung said, “Hurry is not only of the devil. Hurry is the devil.” You might do something you’ll regret, or say something you’ll wish you hadn’t. When you are in a hurry is the best time to slow down and engage in “self-talk.”
Attaining Peace
One of our greatest and most constant searches is for personal peace. One reason we have difficulty gaining and maintaining peace is because we often misunderstand it. Peace is not a mere state of mind, or something to locate merely in us – though being at peace with yourself is vital to peace as such. […]