
Hal Green, Ph.D.

There is a world between us, as well as a world within and a world around us. The world between us is the realm of relationships. Relationships are living beings, just like the persons who share them. Some relationships last a lifetime, others are short-lived, but affect our entire lives. Not only do we have relationships; sometimes they seem to have us.

What matters most in life are love relationships. Not only is love of God, but God is love. Therefore all love relationships, the divine-human as well as human to human share the same basic dynamics. What is true for the one is surprisingly true for the other.

Hal Green, Ph.D., is an author, teacher, counselor and former pastor. He has spent decades living out of and studying love relationships, not only human, but especially the divine-human relationship. His passion is to assist others to love with all their hearts, and find fulfillment in love for God and other persons.

Meaning, purpose and life satisfaction are derived from our significant relationships.